
This section explains some general-purpose functions and constants that are useful to manipulate polarimeters.


If you need to iterate over all the board names, or if you want to check if the board name provided as input by the user is valid, you can use STRIP_BOARD_NAMES. The following example mocks a processing script that needs to iterate over all the boards but one; it shows how STRIP_BOARD_NAME can make the code more elegant:

from striptease import STRIP_BOARD_NAMES

while True:
    board_to_skip = input("Enter the board to skip: ")
    if board_to_skip in STRIP_BOARD_NAMES:
        print(f"'{board_to_skip}' is not a valid board, retry")

for cur_board_name in STRIP_BOARD_NAMES:
    if cur_board_name == board_to_skip:

    print(f"Processing board {cur_board_name}")
    # …

The output of the code is the following, assuming that the user entered R at the prompt:

Enter the board to skip: R
Processing board V
Processing board G
Processing board B
Processing board Y
Processing board O
Processing board I

Polarimeter names

Switching between modules and polarimeters

Each «module» (e.g., I0) is associated with a «polarimeter» (STRIP34), and it is often the case that procedures and data analysis codes need to jump from one representation to another.

The association is stored in the file data/default_biases_warm.xlsx, and it can be accessed using the class InstrumentBiases:

from striptease.biases import InstrumentBiases

biases = InstrumentBiases()
# Output:

# Output:
# I0

W-band polarimeters

The convention used to name the Strip polarimeters is rather unfortunate, as it follows a different convention for Q and W-band polarimeters. While the former are indicated by a letter identifying the board and a positive number indicating the polarimeter index in the board, W-band polarimeters always use the letter W, regardless of the board.

The constant BOARD_TO_W_BAND_POL is a dictionary that associates the uppercase letter of each board to the name of the W-band polarimeter, or None in the case of board I:

from striptease import STRIP_BOARD_NAMES, BOARD_TO_W_BAND_POL

for cur_board in STRIP_BOARD_NAMES:
    w_pol = BOARD_TO_W_BAND_POL[cur_board]

    if w_pol:
        print(f"{w_pol} is connected to board {cur_board}")
        print(f"Board {cur_board} has no W-band polarimeters")

The output of the script is the following:

W3 is connected to board R
W4 is connected to board V
W6 is connected to board G
W5 is connected to board B
W1 is connected to board Y
W2 is connected to board O
Board I has no W-band polarimeters

In some contexts, a saner naming convention is used for W-band polarimeters: they are referred using the name of the board they belong to, followed by the index 7. For instance, the name R7 can be used to refer to polarimeter W3, as this polarimeter is connected to board R. The function normalize_polarimeter_name() can be used to turn the name W3 into the R-based name:

print(normalize_polarimeter_name("W1")) # Prints Y7

Polarimeter index within a board

The function get_polarimeter_index() returns a zero-based index of a polarimeter in a board, given the name of the polarimeter. W-band polarimeters always use index 7:

print(get_polarimeter_index("R0")) # Print 0
print(get_polarimeter_index("G4")) # Print 4
print(get_polarimeter_index("W1")) # Print 7

Iterating over polarimeters

It is often the case that some code needs to iterate over all the polarimeters in a board. The function polarimeter_iterator() can be used in for loops to efficiently scan the list of polarimeters for a board:

for board_name, pol_idx, pol_name in polarimeter_iterator():
    print(f"Board '{board_name}': polarimeter '{pol_name}' (#{pol_idx})")

This is the output:

Board 'R': polarimeter 'R0' (#0)
Board 'R': polarimeter 'R1' (#1)
Board 'R': polarimeter 'R2' (#2)
Board 'R': polarimeter 'R3' (#3)
Board 'R': polarimeter 'R4' (#4)
Board 'R': polarimeter 'R5' (#5)
Board 'R': polarimeter 'R6' (#6)
Board 'R': polarimeter 'W3' (#7)
Board 'V': polarimeter 'V0' (#0)
Board 'V': polarimeter 'V1' (#1)
Board 'V': polarimeter 'V2' (#2)
Board 'V': polarimeter 'V3' (#3)
Board 'V': polarimeter 'V4' (#4)
Board 'V': polarimeter 'V5' (#5)
Board 'V': polarimeter 'V6' (#6)
Board 'V': polarimeter 'W4' (#7)
Board 'G': polarimeter 'G0' (#0)
Board 'G': polarimeter 'G1' (#1)
Board 'G': polarimeter 'G2' (#2)
Board 'G': polarimeter 'G3' (#3)
Board 'G': polarimeter 'G4' (#4)
Board 'G': polarimeter 'G5' (#5)
Board 'G': polarimeter 'G6' (#6)
Board 'G': polarimeter 'W6' (#7)
Board 'B': polarimeter 'B0' (#0)
Board 'B': polarimeter 'B1' (#1)
Board 'B': polarimeter 'B2' (#2)
Board 'B': polarimeter 'B3' (#3)
Board 'B': polarimeter 'B4' (#4)
Board 'B': polarimeter 'B5' (#5)
Board 'B': polarimeter 'B6' (#6)
Board 'B': polarimeter 'W5' (#7)
Board 'Y': polarimeter 'Y0' (#0)
Board 'Y': polarimeter 'Y1' (#1)
Board 'Y': polarimeter 'Y2' (#2)
Board 'Y': polarimeter 'Y3' (#3)
Board 'Y': polarimeter 'Y4' (#4)
Board 'Y': polarimeter 'Y5' (#5)
Board 'Y': polarimeter 'Y6' (#6)
Board 'Y': polarimeter 'W1' (#7)
Board 'O': polarimeter 'O0' (#0)
Board 'O': polarimeter 'O1' (#1)
Board 'O': polarimeter 'O2' (#2)
Board 'O': polarimeter 'O3' (#3)
Board 'O': polarimeter 'O4' (#4)
Board 'O': polarimeter 'O5' (#5)
Board 'O': polarimeter 'O6' (#6)
Board 'O': polarimeter 'W2' (#7)
Board 'I': polarimeter 'I0' (#0)
Board 'I': polarimeter 'I1' (#1)
Board 'I': polarimeter 'I2' (#2)
Board 'I': polarimeter 'I3' (#3)
Board 'I': polarimeter 'I4' (#4)
Board 'I': polarimeter 'I5' (#5)
Board 'I': polarimeter 'I6' (#6)

Valid keywords for polarimeter_iterator() are boards and include_q_band/include_w_band, which permit to pick which boards to scan and to include/exclude Q and W-band polarimeters:

for _, pol_idx, pol_name in polarimeter_iterator(boards=["V"], include_w_band=False):
    print(f"Polarimeter {pol_name} (#{pol_idx})")

In this case, the output is the following:

Polarimeter V0 (#0)
Polarimeter V1 (#1)
Polarimeter V2 (#2)
Polarimeter V3 (#3)
Polarimeter V4 (#4)
Polarimeter V5 (#5)
Polarimeter V6 (#6)

You can see that the W-band polarimeter of board V (W4) was not included.



The official naming convention enumerates the amplifiers according to the line exiting the phase switch (A or B) and their order within the line (1, 2, 3). Therefore, amplifier HA1 is the first stage of amplification in line A, and it’s followed by HA2, which is in turn followed by HA3 (the last amplification stage).

However, there have been two other ways to enumerate the LNAs in a QUIET/Strip polarimeter:

  1. The indexes used by JPL for the QUIET experiment (e.g., Q5);
  2. The indexes used when designing the electronic boards (e.g., H4).

The web server used to operate Strip in Bologna and in Tenerife uses the indexes understood by the electronic board, which neglects the official naming convention. The function get_lna_num() computes the zero-based index of an LNA from its full name in one of the three conventions named above:

# All these examples refer to the same LNA
print(get_lna_num("HA3"))  # Print 4
print(get_lna_num("H4"))   # Print 4
print(get_lna_num("Q5"))   # Print 4

Modes of operation

A Strip amplifier can operate either in open loop or closed loop mode, depending on how the gate and drain are set:

  1. In open loop mode, the drain voltage \(V_d\) and gate voltage \(V_g\) are set by the user, while the drain current \(I_d\) is set free to adapt to the voltages.
  2. In closed loop mode, the drain current \(I_d\) and drain voltage \(V_d\) are set by the user, and a retro-feedback circuit in the electronics adapts the gate voltage \(V_g\) to make sure that the drain current $I_d$ is kept at the level specified by the user.

The following figure depicts the difference between the two modes, representing the three bias parameters \(I_d\), \(V_d\), and \(V_g\) as knobs; only green knobs can be manipulated by the user, while the blue knob responds automatically to variations in the green knobs.

Open/closed loop modes

The way an amplifier operates can be set using the POL_MODE command, through the method StripConnection.set_pol_mode(). You can use the enumeration class PolMode to specify the flags to be used, but usually you can stick to the two constants OPEN_LOOP_MODE and CLOSED_LOOP_MODE:

import striptease as st

conn = st.StripConnection()
conn.set_pol_mode("I0", OPEN_LOOP_MODE)

Phase switches

Each polarimeter in Strip implements two phase switches, which are devices able to inject a phase shift in the signal by making it pass through a longer path to induce a phase shift in the wave. They are called «switches» because they are usually employed to turn this shift on and off at some fixed rate (from several Hz up to kHz).

Each phase switch in the Strip polarimeters can either switch at 4 kHz (fast switching) or at 50 Hz (slow switching). It implements two paths, whose length in terms of the wavelength λ differs by λ/2, so that it effectively induces a 180° phase shift whenever the signal goes through the longer path. Each path can be activated or deactivated by controlling a «pin diode»: if the diode is forward-biased, it lets the radiation pass through its path, but if it is reverse-biased, radiation is blocked. Thus, to make a phase switch induce an alternating phase shift of 0°/180°, it must switch back and forth between a «forward/reverse» and a «reverse/forward» configuration, so that the signal can either pass through the first or the second path, but never through both of them (which would cause destructive interference when the two paths join).

Phase switches in a Strip polarimeter

The default configuration of the phase switches is the following:

  • The first phase switch (leg A) oscillates at 4 kHz;
  • The second phase switch (leg B) oscillates at 50 Hz.

There is no need to send sequences of commands to make each pin diode switch, as the electronics is smart enough to understand how to do so. You can either tell the electronics to switch or to stay fixed at some position.

The values to be sent to the pin diodes are listed in the enumeration class PhswPinMode; they can be sent to the diodes using the method StripConnection.set_phsw_status(). Of particular interest is the constant NOMINAL_SWITCHING, which assumes a different meaning depending on the pin diode you are programming: it makes sure that the default configuration for each of the four pins is set, i.e., switching at 4 kHz for leg A and at 50 Hz for leg B.

Here is an example where we set the state of the four pin diodes for polarimeter I0 to the nominal state:

conn = StripConnection()
for pin_idx in range(4):

More complex configurations can of course be employed; the following example makes the signal pass through the shorter path while blocking the longer one:

conn = StripConnection()
conn.set_phsw_status("I0", 0, PhswPinMode.STILL_SIGNAL)
conn.set_phsw_status("I0", 1, PhswPinMode.NO_SIGNAL)
conn.set_phsw_status("I0", 2, PhswPinMode.STILL_SIGNAL)
conn.set_phsw_status("I0", 3, PhswPinMode.NO_SIGNAL)