Writing test procedures

To create a new script that builds a sequence of JSON commands, the easiest way is to create a new class derived from striptease.procedures.StripProcedure:

from striptease import StripProcedure
from calibration import CalibrationTables

class MyProcedure(StripProcedure):
    def __init__(self):
        super(MyProcedure, self).__init__()
        self.calibr = CalibrationTables()

    def run(self):
        # Run all your commands using "self.conn": it is a
        # StripConnection object that writes command to a JSON
        # buffer, instead of sending them to the server

        # Here is an example: set the drain current of one
        # amplifier to some value (in ADU)

        # A more complex example: set the drain current of
        # another amplifier to a *physical* value in μA

if __name__ == "__main__":
   proc = MyProcedure()

The procedure above will simply set the drain currents of two amplifiers in polarimeters R0 and B3 to some hard-coded value, using StripConnection.set_id(). Finally, the test procedure will be written to stdout as a JSON object:

        "path": "/rest/slo",
        "kind": "command",
        "command": {
            "board": "R",
            "pol": "R0",
            "base_addr": "ID0_SET",
            "type": "BIAS",
            "method": "SET",
            "size": 1,
            "timeout": 500,
            "data": [
        "path": "/rest/slo",
        "kind": "command",
        "command": {
            "board": "B",
            "pol": "B3",
            "base_addr": "ID3_SET",
            "type": "BIAS",
            "method": "SET",
            "size": 1,
            "timeout": 500,
            "data": [

Note that the names of the LNAs (HA1 and HB2) have been converted in the naming scheme used by the electronics (the indexes 0 and 3 used in the names ID0_SET and ID3_SET), and that the value 11,000 μA has been converted into 1919 ADU using the appropriate calibration curve for amplifier HB2 in polarimeter B3. You must always instantiate a CalibrationTables object, if you want to use physical units for biases.

For a real-world example of test procedure, have a look at program_pinchoff.py.

Pretty-printing test procedures

When debugging a procedure, it is useful to have a quick look of the commands it contains. Striptease provides a program, pretty_print_procedure.py, that outputs the list of commands in a procedure using colors. The following demo shows how to use it:

Sending messages with Telegram

The program program_batch_runner.py has the ability to send messages through Telegram whenever a test is started/stopped/completed. To use this feature, you must first configure the service telegram-send (which is installed automatically with Striptease) so that it knows where messages should be sent.

You should run the following command to send messages to a group:

telegram-send --configure-group

and follow the instructions; this requires you to add the bot StripSystemLevelTests to the group.

If you want to send the same messages to more than one group/chat/channel, you can call telegram-send with the flag --config FILENAME and save each time a new configuration file:

telegram-send --config conf1.txt --configure-group
telegram-send --config conf2.txt --configure-group

When you call program_batch_runner.py, you can use the switch --telegram-conf more than once to specify the configuration for each group/channel/chat:

./program_batch_runner.py --telegram-conf=conf1.txt --telegram-conf=conf2.txt script.json

If you want to prevent the program from sending messages to Telegram, use the switch --no-telegram. Messages will not be sent in «dry-run» mode (see above).

Module contents

class striptease.procedures.JSONCommandEmitter(conn)[source]

Bases: object

This class captures commands sent to the board and outputs a JSON representation on some text stream.

post_command(url, cmd)[source]
tag_start(name, comment='')[source]
tag_stop(name, comment='')[source]
class striptease.procedures.StripProcedure[source]

Bases: object

A test procedure that records commands in JSON objects

This is a base class to be used when you need to implement a test procedure. Instead of sending commands to the true instrument, the class records all the commands in a JSON object, which can be saved in a text file and ran using the command-line program program_batch_runner.py.

You must define a new class from this, and redefine the run method. In this method, you can use self.conn as a StripConnection object.


Remove all the commands produced so far from memory


Return a list object containing the commands executed so far.

This list will be dumped as a JSON object by output_json().


Write the list of commands executed so far in a JSON object.

Parameters:(str or Path) (output_filename) – created that will contain the list of commands in JSON format. If None is used, the commands will be printed to stdout.

Redefine this method in derived classes


Make the test procedure wait for some time before continuing

striptease.procedures.dump_procedure_as_json(outf, obj, indent_level=0, use_newlines=True)[source]

Dump a list of commands into a JSON file.

This is similar to what the standard function json.dump does, but it uses less carriage returns to make the output easier to read and to search with grep.